Tuesday, June 24, 2014

El Gregoe the Magician

El Gregoe had lots of magic tricks. He had a flying table, a container of water that never emptied and some birds.

The big rain

Today there was a really big rain storm.  When we looked out the gate, this is what we saw.


We learnt about Matariki - 7 stars in the sky in June.  Matariki is the Maori New Year.  We made kites, paua shells and stars for the Mid-Winter Christmas trees at the i-site.  It was fun.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rapunzel Show

We went to the hall to see a show.  We loved Rapunzel's hair.  It had a ring inside it and flowers on it. When Rapunzel got out of the tower she went to stop the cow. The prince kissed her so her voice came back.  We loved the characters because they were such good actors. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent.  This year we celebrated with pancake races.  We thank the people from the Parish who made pancakes for us to eat.


Yesterday we went to the pool for our sports. We showed our parents what we have been learning.  Mrs Payne was dressed up like a clown with flippers and floaty ring on.  She had colourful curly hair and a red nose.  She gave us lollipops because we were good swimmers.

Ash Wednesday

Lent is the season when we think especially of how much Jesus loves us, and wants us to love God and each other.  So we think of as many kind and loving things to do as  possible.  Lent begins on a special day called Ash Wednesday.  It is called As Wednesday because on that day ashes are used to make the Sign of the Cross on our foreheads.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

We go to St Marys School in Hokitika.  Hokitika is on the West Coast of the South Island. 
In our class are nine children - 3 boys and 6 girls.
We are kind to each other.  We learn the alphabet, writing, reading and maths.  We learn about Jesus, God and Mary. We concentrate when we are working and we work quietly.
We love swimming and P.E.